Cloud Computing

We offer cloud computing services for all steps of your journey.

At its core, cloud computing is simply computing services available over the internet.

And that’s about where it stops being simple! Your infrastructure, development platform and software can all live in “the cloud.”

For as many cloud applications, there also seem to be as many cloud providers. And not to mention a mind-dizzying array of acronyms and buzzwords.

Despite its complexity, the importance of cloud computing continues to grow, as there are many benefits of cloud computing for business. Some of the most common cloud advantages include reducing costs, increasing security, expanding their global reach and accelerating innovation.

The cloud provides opportunities to accelerate business processes and innovation that were not even imaginable a few years ago. 

Cloud Computing Service Overview

Our team is experienced in a variety of cloud computing solutions, such as cloud migration strategy, cloud migration services and cloud-native design and development.

As a full-service business consulting and technology solutions company, we also can provide integrated solutions that complement technical cloud work. For instance, our change management services help businesses manage the process and workforce changes that come with moving to the cloud.

Finally, we offer a full range of support for leading-edge technologies such as IoT and Big Data. We have helped companies develop everything from small proof of concepts to full production implementations allowing them to innovate quicker and cheaper by leveraging the cloud.

Carmen Fontana

Modern Software Delivery Service Offering Lead

Not sure what you need? Our team can partner with you to figure that out.


Once a company decides to move to the cloud, one of the hardest decisions they will make is choosing a vendor. There is no right or wrong answer here, as the decision depends on your companies specific needs and whether you are looking for IaaS, PaaS, SaaS or all three.

We are software agnostic but have established partnerships and work with many of the top cloud providers, including those listed below. Read more about our services:

Amazon AWS

Microsoft Azure




Where are you on your cloud journey?


Learn and Plan

You would like to learn and plan for a potential move to the Cloud.


Your organization is ready to move to the Cloud.


You want to optimize your Cloud investment.


You are ready to take the next step and accelerate your innovation using Cloud technologies.


If you’d like to learn and plan for your move to the cloud, here are steps we recommend:

Cloud Strategy

Moving to the cloud does not have to be overwhelming! We have found our clients are most successful when they take a systematic approach, with steady eyes on the business need at all times. 

We help clients outline the key drivers, business case and actionable strategies that help the organizations adopt cloud computing as an operating model and a technology. 

Cloud Assessment

To understand your technical environment we can review your current applications and infrastructure as they pertain to cloud readiness, future growth, modernization, and your overall general cloud strategy. 

The assessment will be divided into several distinct functional areas – Infrastructure, Security/Monitoring, Alerts, and Audit, Governance, Applications, Development and OperationsWithin each area, we will provide context regarding Current State, Best Practices, Analysis, and Recommendations. 

This assessment will provide a general roadmap towards understanding your infrastructure and business requirements. It will also provide you an important resource in planning and shaping your cloud goals and decisions. 

Vendor Selection

We strive to be vendor agnostic and will review factors such as available technology, pricing and client preferences to provide a customized cloud vendor recommendation.

Vendor recommendations may include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or a multi-cloud approach. 

Cloud Adoption

By having a Cloud Adoption Framework in place, you can facilitate a smoother migration to the cloud. It can help you build organizational buy-in, avoid common issues, move quicker, and ultimately meet your business objectives.

Our Cloud Adoption Framework will give guidance on six key perspectives common to businesses: BusinessPeopleGovernancePlatformSecurity, and Operations.

We will perform an analysis from each key perspective, identifying which business processes may need to be refined, where skills should be updated, and where there may be organizational misalignment.  

Maturity Point 2: Act

If your organization is ready to move to the cloud, here are your next steps:

Cloud Migration Prioritization

Remove, Retain, Replatform, Rehost, Repurchase, and Refactor. These standard designations ultimately help determine and plan a cloud migration strategy and the disposition of your on-premise assets and applications.

But you also need to be able to answer the five “W’s” for your cloud migration – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

We can work with you to develop a process and rubric for prioritizing your migration efforts.

Cloud Migrations

Ready to act? We can help orchestrate your cloud migration, from simple lift-and-shifts to more involved refactoring efforts.

Our team of certified architects will take into account your preferences for timing, costs, security, and availability to design and implement a migration that is custom to your business needs.


Want to optimize your cloud investment? Here’s the plan for you:

Cost Optimization

An important component of cloud implementations is planning and implementing a strategy for cost optimization and transparency. We can provide suggested approaches for cost containment and visibility, taking into consideration factors such as right-sizing, increasing elasticity, leveraging the right pricing model, optimizing storage and measuring/monitoring.


By applying cloud-enabled development and operations principles, tools and techniques across the entire delivery process, your organization can see improved deployment frequency, release quality, team productivity and architecture quality, while realizing faster business value.

Cloud Native Development

Whether your application needs to be refactored, or built from scratch, our software architects take pride in creating cloud-native solutions that are as scalable as they need to be, simple to use, fast and easy to maintain.

Well-Architected Reviews

Well-Architected Reviews are an evaluation approach to ensure that your cloud architecture adheres to current best practices for secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for your applications. The major cloud providers release new services regularly, so there may be new ways to optimize your workload that were not available to you originally.

Based on five pillars — operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization — the Well-Architected Framework provides a way to evaluate architectures, and implement designs, that will scale over time.

Managed Services

Cloud-empowered organizations benefit from increased agility and decreased overhead. Nevertheless, the need for support still remains.

Our Managed Services offering does not fit you into a cookie cutter support plan. Rather, we can customize to fit your specific needs – whether it’s occasional help from one of our Certified Cloud Professionals, or comprehensive 24x7x365 accessibility, or something in between.

Turning IoT Obstacles into Opportunities

The Internet of Things empowers organizations to gather, analyze, and employ information in ways previously unattainable. But this newfound capability is not without its challenges – learn how you can turn them into opportunities in our Turning IoT Obstacles Into Opportunities Webinar!

Maturity Point 4: Innovate

Are you ready to take the next step and accelerate your innovation using Cloud technologies? Here’s what’s next:

Cloud technologies unlock innovation in ways that on-prem versions never could – nor ever will.

How does the Cloud accelerate innovation?

  1. It allows you to capture and process more data.
  2. You can then leverage building blocks, making development more efficient.
  3. This gives you more time for the value-add work that leads to new ideas.
  4. Those new ideas give rise to prototypes, which can be spun up and out much faster.
  5. And as your innovation gathers speed, the Cloud scales easily with your growth.

Aside from helping you build the Cloud foundation for your innovation efforts, we can assist with the following:

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Machine Learning
  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Blockchain
  • Chatbots
  • Mobile App Development
  • Custom Development

Not sure what you need? Let’s figure it out together.