DevOps automates software delivery to production process with continuous integration, testing, deployments, and cloud techniques so you beat competition. We can help you implement your strategy.

To beat your competition and deliver value faster, automate the software delivery to production process with DevOps.

The smartest, fastest way to get ahead in your organization is by implementing a DevOps strategy — one that emphasizes collaboration, communication and rapid feedback between software developers, testers and operations professionals.

DevOps strategy work to automate the process of software delivery to production by incorporating techniques such as agile development, automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery.

By applying development and operations principles, tools and techniques across the entire delivery process, your organization can see improved deployment frequency, release quality, team productivity and architecture quality, while realizing faster business value.

Joseph Ours

Modern Software Delivery Service Offering Lead

Ready to automate your software development and delivery process?

Our Approach to DevOps

Our approach is simple: We look at your business needs, your internal capabilities, and available technology first.

We then tailor a development and operations strategy to meet the needs of each organization and don’t prescribe a mandatory organizational structure or tools.

In other words, we don’t bring you a solution in search of a problem.

DevOps Capabilities

We know it takes work to shift your focus to achieve the goals of a DevOps culture and automate your software development and delivery pipeline. Our experts can help you implement DevOps by providing the following services:

  • Readiness assessments to help determine your organization’s existing maturity level and provide guidance on the value this approach can deliver
  • Process design to ensure this approach can be managed and measured across the organization, including its many tools, platforms, culture, skills, and deployment models
  • Transformation planning to ensure benefits are realized at an incremental pace
  • Architecture alignment that focuses on legacy incorporation into this new model as well as new development
  • DevOps governance that ensures longevity of the approach by providing a coordinated set of processes and tools for the enterprise
  • DevOps tool chain selection and implementation
  • Automated build and deployment tool implementation
  • Reliable automated testing at scale


Aside from our expertise in leading DevOps strategy, we also have proven experience in related capabilities such as:


Software QA & Testing

Involves capabilities necessary to move to continuous testing.

Agile Services

Ensures ongoing continuous improvements through transformations and coaching.

Cloud Services

Makes delivery automation faster and easier.

Change Management

Ensures successful DevOps adoption.

Application Lifecycle Management Services

Allows long-term support of critical business applications.

Our Microsoft 365 Services

Microsoft 365 is the most complete, secure cloud productivity and Teams collaboration service for organizations on the digital transformation journey. Our Teams Checklist can help you learn about configurations that can be made by individual team owners versus those that require updates to your global settings.


What is DevOps?

Is a DevOps Strategy Right for You?

An Introduction to DevOps Tools

The Phoenix Project Business Simulation Workshop

With your business and technology teams at odds, you’ll need a cultural shift for DevOps to work.

The Phoenix Project Business Simulation Workshop can help. It’s a learn-by-doing workshop in which teams work on challenging issues within a simulated environment. The goal: To learn how to apply DevOps principles and values.

Each participant will play a role with specific tasks, responsibilities and authority. The facilitator will provide support and instructions and help the team reflect on their experiences and what they have learned.

Want to learn how we can help you build your DevOps organization?