Marketing & CRM Technology

Marketing and CRM technology is key to engaging everyone in your business ecosystem.

CRM and Marketing Automation software empower your sales and marketing teams to capture, organize and use prospect and customer data.

When implemented and used correctly, powerful platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics can help you remain competitive while delivering evolving customer experiences and sales engagements, utilizing increasing volumes of customer data, and remaining compliant with changing regulatory environments.

Yet with so many great tools on the market today, you need a trusted partner to guide you through your journey. 

We are that partner for you and will ensure you get the most out of your tools while keeping pace with these rapidly changing technologies.

You have questions. We have the answers.

Our marketing and CRM technology clients have a lot of great questions when we first sit down with them to discuss these platforms and solutions. While everyone’s journey is unique, the most common concerns fall into these six main themes.  Sound familiar? Let’s talk.

Making the Most of New Tools

How can my organization best understand how to select, implement, and use CRM and marketing automation platforms to provide the most benefit?

Quantifying and Increasing Value

How can my team measure and increase the business value we receive from our CRM platform and/or marketing technology?

Finding a Trusted Technical Partner

Our passion is helping clients transform and change work with mobile app development technoaHow can I find the right partner for assistance in selecting, implementing, adopting or advancing our CRM and marketing automation platforms?logy.

Driving Sales and Marketing Engagement

How can I train my sales and marketing personnel to gain visibility into their prospects, manage lead and client lifecycles – in addition to driving engagement using marketing automation and CRM?

Developing a 360 Degree view of Customers

How can I use CRM and marketing automation to get an integrated view of customers to build relationships, and deliver meaningful experiences throughout the customer lifecycle?

Maximizing Current Investments

We have invested in CRM and/or marketing automation, but am I getting the most out of my investment? Is there more we can do with what we have?

Partnered with the best in the business.


Our expertise includes our full suite of Salesforce Consulting Services and Microsoft Dynamics Consulting Services, as well as our deep knowledge in specific platforms, like Marketo.  This is not just technical knowledge, but also leverages our Marketing Operations, People and Change and Operational Excellence knowledge to truly make these investments impactful to your organization. 

Marketing Automation Enablement

We help you advance your usage and leverage your enterprise data to drive business outcomes and ROI.

  • Platform implementation and advancement
  • Marketing automation integrations, migrations and consolidations
  • Engineering solutions and data governance and hygiene
  • Customer and Lead Lifecycle Management

Marketing Operations Services

We provide expertise to define, design and execute campaigns – enable scaling, increase efficiency and ensure quality.

  • Campaign management services including: design, execution, monitoring and reporting
  • Advanced analytics
  • Best practices, governance and process development
  • Assessments and training

Customer Relationship Management

We help you envision, implement, and manage your CRM solution while optimizing your customers’ experience.

  • Vision and Strategy Development
  • Implementation Services for Multiple Business Areas
  • Managed Services
  • Custom Development

Marketing Technology Integration

We help you with integrations to best leverage your data across your marketing technology stack.

  • Marketing Automation and CRM integrations, migrations and consolidations
  • Industry specific and proprietary tool integrations
  • Cloud usage for marketing data
  • Engineering solutions, process development and data governance and hygiene

Contact us to learn how our assessments will advance your platform usage.

Whether your organization is new to Salesforce and marketing automation or has years of experience, we have found our assessments always yield insights to our clients. We can evaluate your implementation against best practices, including technical configuration and usage patterns – both general and specific to your business and industry. The outcomes can include identification of more effective and efficient use of your platforms – including product licensing, actions necessary to scale your usage, or solutions to existing technical problems.